Sunday, 13 November 2016

Tristan's Writing

Week 14 - I turn around it changed shape…

The other day I was trotting down a London alleyway when I came across an old fashion door built into the wall. As I walked closer I saw through the doorway into an empty victorian London street! Suddenly my curiosity got the better of me as I walked through the doorway into the victorian age. Suddenly I realised something was wrong, I wasn’t supposed to be here. No, of course I’m not supposed to be here I told myself. suddenly I saw my first sign of life, if you could call it life, it was a weird looking robotic blob. As I turned around (to run back to modern London) it changed shape into a hideous creature and chased me all the way back to modern London. Suddenly I realised that the beast had stopped chasing me but little did I know I had unleashed an ancient beast that would terrorise the world.

Week 13 - wide, orange, crocodile, within, collapsed

Day 1
As I hike through the horrible swamps of this even more horrid planet, I regret ever coming on this stupid expedition. Suddenly I hear a loud growl and from out of the shadows within the collapsed ancient temple of the moon god Ramun comes a giant orange crocodile with a tail as wide as an airbus A380. As I ran back to camp the crocodile pursued me all the way!
Day 2
When I wake up to a miserable new day I hear a growling noise. Suddenly the crocodile that was stalking me the day before burst into my tent and ate me!
Day 3
I still can’t believe the crocodile ate me without biting me. At the moment I am in the crocodile's stomach and have approximately two minutes until I am pooped out.

Week 11 - Message from Space

Greetings humans of earth! I hate to inform you that #4674, our home planet has become a barren wasteland because we ohbots have never stopped littering, burning gasoline and diesel and chopping trees down.I tell you this as a warning: if you earthlings carry on polluting earth, earth will become a barren wasteland like our #4674.
So please don’t pollute any more and start recycling in case we make a ohbot colony because we don’t want to live on a horrible planet in the future. I must admit it will be bad enough living amongst you earthlings.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Logan's Writing

As I turn around it changed shape

Christmas catastrophe

It's now christmas day and the whole family was sitting round the christmas tree waiting to open the presents. But first we need to have breakfast, with mince pies and turkey  viciously trying to persuade me not to eat them. As we sit down every one digs into the meal as I try to guess what's in my presents. Then mum says “Come and have something to eat darling.”

As I turned  around it changed shape. It was one of the presents and it was one of mine. It turned from a box into a gigantic circle. Mum said “ What did we get Logan for christmas?”

Week 12 - The legs

“Sir, sir the legs are ready,” I said
“I'm coming now,” said the master.
“I hope the legs are good enough for my master,” I muttered. “If not, I won’t be home for dinner.”
I put the new legs in the pot as I heard the thumping of my master coming down the steps.
I quickly stirred the pot with the legs in and poured the spices in.

The master came in the room and tried my marvelous creation. My head was thinking weird things at that moment. The creation is...

5 Sentence Challenge: Week 5 - Fireworks

Boom crackle pop. Fireworks are such fun colourful explosions that light up the night but sadly kill a lot of innocent people. Fireworks are normally lit on Guy Fawkes day and I personally think it is the most colourful day of the year. When the fireworks go up in the air you get deafened by the sound of them screaming for their worthless lives. Boom, boom, boom and that's a firework for you.

Grace Lee's Writing

Week 28 The Secret Stone Wall
The soldiers were coming. My mum packed a bag with a water bottle and a snack. I stuffed my bag with clothes and I dropped a few coins in my pocket. I could hear the guns firing. I could hear my dad moaning from being shot. He shouted “Whatever you hear don’t look back. The letter is in the other side of the stone….” A tear rolled down my mum’s face. We knew it would be our last time seeing him. I knew where to go. I raced upstairs with my mum. I saw the old, stone wall. Then I walked through the wall with my mum and disappeared.

By: Grace Lee

Week 26- ...But How Can Someone so Tiny...

BARK! I was walking down to our local park. There was a loaf of bread lying on the grass and my dog straight away gobbled it up. Then my dog turned to a mouse! The mouse started shouting at me. It was so shocking that a mouse with a tiny mouth had a bigger voice than me. It threatened me to bring some food. I got some cheese and threw it on the ground. But how can something so tiny threaten me like that? Once he gobbled up the cheese he turned back into a small, fluffy puppy.

By: Grace Lee

Week 25 - So That’s Why I Am Always Last

I was at the airport waiting for the plane that would take me to London. I was so bored and the line had at least 200  people standing in it. So I told my sister to save our spot while I get a frappiccino for both of us. She was texting her friends and she nodded. When I came back she wasn’t in line. I quickly scanned the area and spotted my sister reading a magazine. Now we had to go all the way to the back of the line.

So that is why I am always last.

13 Wide, Orange, Crocodile, Within, Collapsed

I had no idea where I was. I was just somewhere out there.  Someone was not going to find me within ten minutes. I had a meeting soon. As I walked I heard sounds of lions, snakes, bears and even crocodiles.  I saw a wide rock near the river. I sat down on the bumpy rock.  I saw a tree… It had oranges growing on it. I came back and prayed on the rock. I opened  my eyes and saw that my orange was gone! A crocodile was  in front of me. I collapsed in terror. The next thing I knew was that I was at a hospital.

Wk12 Pattern Pot of Bloody Legs
In the middle of the Garden of sculptures, an immense sculpture stands proudly on a large black, rectangle slab. But there are stories behind this eerie sculpture.
In 1568 a man called Greg Archer made a pot with his dear wife Scarlett .
Mr Archer was molding the clay, Mrs Archer was working on designs. After two years, the pot had been made.
AAAARRRGGHGH! A spine-chilling monster chomped off the legs of Mr and Mrs Archer. The monster put the legs in the pot. AARRGH! He bit off the children’s legs. The monster is still alive. He’s looking for more victims and the next victim could be… YOU!

By: Grace

Greeting Humans of Earth

Hello I am Ohbot Peaky and today I have a very important announcement to announce. The Peaky family has been around space for years. But nobody has ever noticed us. Nobody is invisible, we all are living creatures. Don’t just ignore somebody just because they are different. Just because I am a robot, people should not ignore me and my family. Do you think we have contagious diseases? NO! We are all the same and nobody should mistreat anybody by their race and appearance because we all are the same. We need to start right now!

By: Grace