Tuesday, 3 May 2016

George's Writing

Week 28 ¨...Picture Prompt...¨
The Morphing Wall

Why would someone I’ve trusted for all my life, why would he, kill her?
I turned away from my finished wife, and walked out of the morphing wall. The pistol on the floor, the blood dripping into a puddle onto the hard grey ground said it all.
I looked through the flamed down city, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of the murderer. Why I’m here right now, I don’t know. I should be up in heaven with my only love.
I turn back and fall, hoping to reach my death. I see white.

I didn’t deserve my life anyway.

Week 27 “...Hard, Beautiful, Brown, Worried, Camera”
Falling, ferociously, surging through the air.
Worried, worried that i’d die from the impact.
Not so beautiful water, welcoming me to the murky brown depths.
Time ticking, until I hit my hard ending.
My camera, urging to get out of my pocket.
Waving my limbs frantically.
I look up.
I see the reason for my near death.
My bike, hanging off a branch.
I shouldn't've put faith in my biking ability.
Readying myself for when the time comes.
Suddenly, the branch holding my bike snaps.
Great! My death is taking the shorter route.
There is a deafening splash.

My Death.

`Week 26”...But How Could Something  So Tiny…”

“...Personal Challenge: Punctuation Challenge… ? ! … ,  “

Why the smallest?

I, AM, UNHAPPY!!!” I  shout at the top of my voice. I might have startled the next door neighbours. But do you know what? I, DON’T, CARE!
Do you want to hear exactly what happened? I know your inner rage will come out.
MY MUMMY BOUGHT THE SMALLEST GUINEA PIG!!!! And how could things get any worse. Oh, I know, she called him Winnie.
But seriously,  how could something so annoyingly, excruciatingly tiny be real. My Mum said he weighed in at 2 kgs, 10x10 cm. I try my hardest to throw it into the bin.
It never, ever, works.

Week 25 “So that is why I’m always last”

I’m Unlucky

[The Gym, 467th day of school}
“Jason Kalen, step up to play. You too, Geton Lion, Nathan Londey, Oh and, unlucky last, Folan Gaelyn”

Uh! Last again, like how I’m last in everything. No surprise though. Funny story actually. When I was born, my Mum said I’d be the luckiest kid in the whole wide word. Not too believable if you ask me. Anyway, why you ask, am I always last?  Simple answer. It’s called Last Syndrome. Therefore, I’m the unluckiest kid in the world, being the only one diagnosed with last syndrome. So that’s why I’m always last.

Week 14 “As I Turned Around It Changed Shape

I heard gravel scattering away from my feet. I felt the wind rush against me, making it feel like I was on a treadmill. The narrow gravel road, seemed to get narrower.
I wasn’t looking ahead and crashed into a tree. As I turned around It changed shape. The  gravel road changed shape.
What stood before me was fantasy, it had to be. What stood before me, jaws wide open, was a grey lion head, obviously made out of the gravel path.

“Why have you trespassed in my land?”

I waited, trying to be still.

The lion head engulfed me...

Week 13 “Wide, Orange, Crocodile, Within, Collapsed
The Horrible Zoo

“What a beautiful day to go to the zoo” Mum said “We only live a block away.”
Dad wasn’t keen “Haven’t you heard the news? Just recently, the whole orangutan enclosure collapsed. All orangutans within the enclosure either died, or had serious injuries”
“All the better to inspect” stated Mum.
So we hopped into the car.
Minutes passed by as we got closer.
And there, just a few metres away were the wide open gates of the zoo.
As we passed the crocodile enclosure, we did not see the orange sign saying STAY OUT.
There was a flash of light…

Week 12 “Picture Prompt”

“This exact sculpture was made here in Hawaii. Based on the ancient Hawaiian tiki, Mika, this sculpture represents how Mika ruled Honolulu, and would have done whatever it takes to become powerful enough to rule the whole Hawaiian island.”

“Mum! Dad! Check this out!” I exclaimed.
Mum and Dad slumped over to where the sculpture was.
“What is it, son?” Dad muttered in a monotonous voice.
“It’s this Dad. This Tiki. It’s said that its spirit is right here, in Hawaii!”
“Don’t believe in myths, son. They’re never true”

Then, out of a bush, a transparent figure jumped into view...

Week 11” Greetings Humans of Earth”

“Gweetings, Humans of earht”
“I come to save you world from a dreedful spreading Hobbie; Strete fites”
“Miy name iss peaky”
“I cum fom ta plant Marss”
“Me firs weason iss dat you wil get injured”
“You is Looking confuddled”
“You may no undustand mey, bute you shall here this speeche”
“Miy second weason is that people dat fite hav no bwains”
“I know dis may offend you peoples but it iss twu”
“My fird weason iss dat it wil encorage yonger generationss to fite like deir daddies”
“I canno imagine a world like dis, fiteing daily”


Week 24 “...Alcatraz…”

Here I am, lifeless in Alcatraz.
They don’t care about anyone, they’re just ruthless.
They serve us rotten squirrel for breakfast and sewer polluted squid for lunch.
I know I shouldn't have robbed a bank, it’’s just we couldn’t afford anything.
This isn’t ideal, this place, full of orange coated criminals.
Why can’t they just be nice?
I can imagine my wife and son worried, just because of me.
It’s like I’m below everyone else.
I don’t expect for the next month I'm here, the police will treat me different.
I wish I was Jack Shepard, able to escape.

By George

Week 22 “...Violin, Eaten, Yellow, Airplane, Swept…”
The Long Trip

“You ready to go mate?” My dad says, excited.
“Got my violin, football, and clothes”
“Have you eaten your breakfast?” he said, “because my new yellow car needs a test drive”.
My Mum comes into the room. “You ready to hit the road?”
“No” I said sarcastically.
Dad returns to his speech “Ready for anything, especially an airplane.
My lazy older brother swept a cup off the bench. “Are we there yet?”  
“We haven’t left yet” I exclaimed.
We hopped into the car and left.
Once we got there we hopped in the airplane and prepared for the long trip.

By George

Week 17 “...Stairway to sky…”
Witnessing Death

Me and my friend James are diving off the boat dock when I hear a brutal splash. I look around and see a flash of a shark, then board shorts. I knew a shark had taken James. I dived down but it was too late. James was gone.
I had forgotten that I was in shark infested water. I quickly hop out of the water but fall off of the dock backwards. I feel my head bang against something very soft.
I close my eyes assuming I was in the shark infested water. I open my eyes and around me were hand rails. I stand up. I walk up this soft stone staircase. The Stairway to the Sky.

By George

Week 16 “...Suddenly…”  
The Biker Burst

I’m walking around the neighbourhood when suddenly a group of bikers pull up in front of me. One of them walks forward.
“They call me Ol’biker, I’m the leader of this club, the Biker Burst” he says pulling out a shotgun. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this, I’ve never found a kid like you” and then, out of nowhere, there’s a deafening gunshot.
I can’t see Ol’biker or his Biker Burst club, only bare smoke and dust. I turn around and see my Mum, shotgun in hand. I run over and give her a  gentle hug. “We won’t be seeing them anymore!”.

By George

Monday, 2 May 2016

Mila's Writing

Week 24  (Alcatraz Photo)
                        A New Prisoner

The sound of the cell doors opening and the screams told me everything I needed to know. A new prisoner had come.

That night as I lay on my rat-infested mattress I whispered to the cell next to me, “Why are you here?”
I waited for a reply, and then I heard, ‘I don’t know’.
“You want to escape, don’t you?”
‘If I could then I would have already!”
We were both silent for a moment. The rest of the night we made up a plan.
The next day we made our escape.
Well, one of us made it.

Week 22 - violin, yellow, eaten, swept, airplane

The Man In The Moon

I picked up the violin knowing the next hour would be the slowest hour of my life.

The floor was grey which was unusual because it’s usually  brown. I put my finger on the ground. Dust. That isn’t unusual because everywheres covered with dust. I grabbed the broom and swept the floor.

I sprinted out of the house into the yellow car, I couldn’t sit down because of the luggage that was next to me.

The airplane  took off into the sky with me onboard. The man next to me had a half eaten apple and a book called
The Man In The Moon. I said hi and he grunted back in reply;  too involved in his book to answer.

by Mila

Week 17…...Stairway to the sky

The mystery at the beach

The last thing I remember was crashing onto the ground of a cold stone floor.

My friend and I were playing in the water when all of a sudden the sun stopped shining for a second and then snapped back into action. When I could see again, my friend was not there. I felt around in the water but she had vanished. A soft voice was calling my name, and then all of a sudden, as if out of nowhere, a glistening gold staircase appeared in front of me. The voice was calling for me to climb up the staircase. I felt strange and I actually obeyed the voice and climbed up the staircase.
That’s when everything went black.

By Mila

Jenna's Writing

Week 24- “Alcatraz prison”

Cold Handcuffs

It is hard working in the police force.
I don’t have time to ride my horse.
Broken handcuffs wrapped in a handkerchief.
It will not impress the chief.
Shut the cell, lock the door!
I don't want to arrest people any more!
Why do they commit a crime?
It is only a matter of time...
Until they get locked up in a cell.
If they escape we will ring the bell.
Loud for all to hear.
It will hurt the prisoner's ear; they will stop and shriek in fear!
Thier faces will turn crimson.

When they are in Alcatraz prison.

Week 22- violin, yellow, eaten, airplane, swept.

Half eaten donut.

In the morning I wake up on a 5 star, luxury, yellow airplane.
Well, not that luxury, there were half eaten donuts on the floor.
This place really should be swept.
At the back of the airplane there was a lady playing the violin.
Then the violin string broke! She stepped on a half eaten donut, grabbed a parachute and said “adios amigos” and jumped.
So I got a broom, swept the floor and tossed the donuts down to the violin lady.
“How dare you!?” she screamed.

We continued the flight in the 5 star, luxury, yellow airplane.

by Jenna

Week 17 “...stairway to the sky

Sky dragon

I am having a walk on the beach and the ground starts shaking. I think it is an earthquake.
As I stumble and fall on my hands and knees some sandy stairs are forming in sky.
The rumbling stops. I do not, and will not, dare to go any closer. On the side of the stairs some flowers start blooming. A white-scaled dragon slowly comes down the stairs and rests its head on the soft sand asking me if i want a ride.
The badge on the dragon saddle says ‘sky dragon.’
I hop on and the white-scaled dragon takes me away up the stairs.
How long until we get the top of the stairs to the sky?   

By Jenna

Week 16 “...suddenly…”

The Gannet.

Flying high in the sky is a silhouette of a bird. The water below is still. The fish below have no idea what the bird is.

SUDDENLY the bird zooms down going at 150 km per hour. Just then the fish notices it’s a gannet… SPLASH picking up about three fish in his mouth. Water goes still and silent again.
The gannet gets ready to strike again. All the fish know that it is a gannet now so they swim deeper. This is very unfortunate for the gannet. The gannet calls his mates with one big squawk.

Soon after the army of gannets bolt at the water. They all hope to get good fish for their family.

By Jenna