Saturday, 11 February 2017

Haylee's Writing

Week 33 the flash of lightning I saw..

The Memory

Today is the 13th of October! It is my birthday!!
As I hopped out of bed I realised I would be getting my breakfast in bed so I yelled out,
“Good morning!”
As I hopped back into bed I heard Mum call “Happy Birthday sweetie!!”
I was excited. In came grandma, Dad, Mum, Sophie and little Chelsea.
“Chloe, I hope you don’t mind, but it is raining. We can still have a good day, right?”
I nodded.
Suddenly I heard a bolt of lightning hit the sky! I looked out of my window. In the flash of lighting I saw a birthday present! Then I remembered, Presents! Everyone gave me presents!

I had an amazing day despite the bad weather.

Week 32- picture prompt

Billy’s Big Burgers.

One day I was walking in the street and I saw  a new restaurant called Billy’s Big Burgers.
So I walked into the restaurant and ordered a gluten free burger. I sat at a table for one, near a wall.
5 minutes later a crack started to form in the wall. It looked weird so I moved my chair on the other side of the table. Suddenly the crack grew bigger and longer. I decided to go ask a waiter for help. I looked around but no one was there. I looked at the wall and suddenly some hands made of newspaper were holding a big, gluten free burger. I ran out of the restaurant screaming!!

Week 30
...I just couldn't eat something so…

The nasty food challenge.
By Haylee

One rainy day a boy called Mike asked his brother Sam if he wanted to play a game.
So they went upstairs and they asked their dad to play the Nasty food challenge. He said “Yes”.
They asked dad to put nasty foods in brown paper bags and write a number on each.
It was now Mike’s turn. He picked up the bag saying 41 and then looked inside with disgust. It was dad’s fish that he caught 7 years ago!!
Mike said “I give up. You win! I am not eating this 7 year old fish.I just couldn’t eat something so gross and old.”

Week 29
  ...the slime dripped through...

The Haunted house!!
By Haylee

One misty day Charlie wandered through The Haunted Woods.
The Haunted woods is scary place. In the woods there are a few beasts.
Charlie had wandered so far he didn’t know where he was and how to get home. Suddenly charlie came up to a big,old,crooked house. Charlie was very scared. Soon he decided to walk in so he opened the door and walked right in. A few minutes later charlie came to an awful door. There was slime too and the slime dripped through holes in the door slowly. Charlie was so scared because he heard noises so he ran out of the house and strangely through the Haunted woods.

The humongous hand.

By Haylee

In the city lived a boy called Charlie aged six, nearly seven. He was living with his dad who was called Henry.
One morning they went to the park. When they were sitting down eating their lunch they heard rumbling! ‘What is going on dad?’
‘I don't know Charlie.’
Then from under the ground came a humongous hand slowly rising.
Aaarrrgggghhhhh! Charlie and his father ran as fast as they could, screaming and shouting as loudly as possible!
SLAM! went their front door.
‘Dad I am really scared.’
‘So am I son. Now lets sit down and watch a cartoon to calm us down.’

Week 23-Gingerly, Yellow, Remarkable,Discovered, However.

Mimi  is alone!

Once there was a girl called Mimi who lived in a cottage in a town called Burlen Town. Mimi lived with her father. One cold day Mimi’s father had to do some chores. But Mimi gingerly said no, not in this weather. But he started walking in the cold to the shops. Mimi was scared for she was worried about her father. She wanted a nice cup of cocoa to help calm her. So she made the cocoa. Suddenly the door opened...Who is it? It was Mimi’s father.
‘Look what I found on the road, it’s a remarkable yellow ring. I discovered it outside the mall.’
‘However did it get there father?’
‘I don’t know.’

By Haylee

Week 22- Laughter

Laughter can be known two different ways, as a nice laugh and an evil laugh.
At school children share jokes and they laugh a lot.
Usually we laugh at least twenty times each day, well for me.
Generally someone laughs, then your friend or the person in front laughs too.
Hearing a weird laugh can make you laugh too, even if you are a way away.
Talking to someone, then doing something weird can lead to a hurtful laugh.
Evil villains have evil laughs that are weird because they go Ha,Ha,Ha.
Reading a funny book can lead to a laugh.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Haylee I enjoyed reading your story about The Haunted House and the slime. You use great descriptive language so I could picture most parts. Be careful that proper nouns such as names always have a capital. There were a few times where Charlie was missing a capital C!
    Ms. Kaufman
    Ontario, Canada
